Chapter 3 – A Whole Lotta Fail

Previously, our founder had 8 kids with her Romantic Interest.  They were whisked away on a free vacation leaving Alfie in charge of the five younger siblings and proceeded to get pregnant while away.  Sometime around the prom, Darla got herself knocked up, and I don’t have teen pregnancy on – cue Woohooer going haywire.

So here is the sequence of Darla.  I had her move in with an older sibling to have her kid since we were overfilled.


I have male maternity clothes, I don’t have teen.  I have teen pregnancy turned off, which failed.

Lol @ Jamin Wahl.  I love it.

The first grandchild is adorable!

Other stuff that does not pertain to anything, but interested me enough to make note:

LTR shopping spree to come.  Cue an influx of motive mobiles!

They both got this since I completed as much of the wishes as I could.

Aww!  Good luck together, Barty!

Aww bye bye Quackers, sorry I sent away cuz you were ugly!  I put her gravestone on our property.

Aww again.  Within minutes I got this one too.  Agnew and Quackers lived together with no pups.  I brought the gravestone over also.

I foresee an overdose of Wahl genes heading our way.

-end of the around the town stuff-

Any child not an heir is sent straight to boarding school and moved out when they graduate.  I do bring them home a couple of days early and force a prom so they can have romantic prospects out in the world.

Darla was not the only one pregnant at the end of the last chapter….

I love the happy memory thought bubble with the “I hate the basketful of evil” look.

First off here is Fritz – Perceptive, genius, loves the outdoors.  Have fun at boarding school.  What a cute kid.  Dad’s hair and random grey eyes.

Freya – Our first female genetic match and actual spare is born.  Eccentric and grumpy.  Looks like the 3rd trait is missing and she’s at boarding school, so no fixing that until later.

Frost – Friendly and brave – missing 3rd trait.    Dad’s hair, mom’s eyes.

I hate that if the trait is not locked in, the rolled traits disappear.  I can’t remember what those two rolled now.  Fritz had the loves the outdoors trait locked in as he was the only one not completely skilled up.

Alfie is now a Young Adult.  He shared his birthday with the trips.  Such chaos ensued that he didn’t even get a makeover for quite awhile.

Alfie’s quest for a girl – and then repeat this 8 more times.  No one was interested in his dislike children trait.  You won’t see Alfie for the rest of the update.  I had him wooing every available woman in the game.  So boring.  I was worried that I was going to have to switch to married ladies.

Alfie:  So, I need a breeder to help pass down my awesome genetics.  You’re already wearing maternity clothes, so we wouldn’t even have to bother with a makeover!

Alfie scratches this one off the list.

Meanwhile at home…
Freya:  Gee Daddy, what a big wrench you have!

I am still puzzled as to what he was doing with that wrench while Freya looked on nervously.  He put it away as soon as I did a baby check to make sure skilling was still going.  I found that it was time for a dinner break.

Well, at least we agree that he needs babies!

Erin and Elle become teens.

Barty is next to be YA.  He quickly runs to his new home.

Story progression must have known what was going to happen.  Barty got the biggest house in the world.

Darla’s baby daddy.  We invited him over and gave him new clothes.

He had aged up to YA, so I had to turn on teen-adult interactions.

We had some ghostly visitors.

Erin and Elle are home for prom.

Erin:  Really ugly hair guy, will you go to prom with me?

Okay that was a new one for me.  What a creep.

Upon looking, his name is Jefferson.

Elle:  Brother to creep, will you go to prom with me?

A quick check, His name is Donald.


Blonde hair came straight over to Elle and they started flirting.  While brown hair and Erin watched.  I don’t have high hopes.

He even threw flowers at her.

Colin and Callie aged to YA and moved in with Barty.  They take Darla with them.

Prom happened.  But it was glitched.  Dahlia went to her second one.

Darla had left Barty’s house and moved in with Jaime, the baby daddy and married him.

The boys didn’t travel with them.  Dahlia, who is up there as a favorite of mine, did not come back with a boyfriend.  2nd time in a row fail.  Elle and Donald are exclusive as are Erin and Jefferson.   So, cute the sisters with the brothers.

The triplets have major issues of their own to deal with.

Double jointed block skilling.   Resetsim.

I really hate the read me a story interaction.  He followed everyone around asking and then passed out.

Breaking toilets, then complaining about the mess.  I hope they leave soon.

Freya can’t be left out.  She is always starving.

It’s a pretty bad day when you piss yourself then pass out in the puddle.  But very funny when the freezer gnome mocks you.

Freya refused to go to bed, she kept doing dishes.  They are so full of fail.  Glad they aren’t in an ISBI.

Poor Fritz, pees himself yet again and

Passes out in the puddle again.

I finally got the pop up that they were leaving for boarding school the next morning.


Female #10 ignores his horrible traits and agrees to be his girlfriend.

I was a little concerned that she was insane when they went to the Bistro and she put on her bathing suit, so I gave her a quick makeover.  It is much worse than insanity.


Winter Wahl – Her traits were so horrible that I changed them.  She had the most useless things imaginable.  I gave her all family and baby related ones.  Bad idea.  Her and Alfie are bordering on hate right now.  She is Charismatic, nurturing, family oriented neat and flirty.  I think charismatic and flirty were what she came with.   Too bad she is like 10 days from being an elder.  I so would have not got them together.

Alfie – Loves the outdoors, genius, daredevil, dislikes children and evil.

Next time, we hopefully get rid of more kids, add some back in and hope they are a genetic match.  She has time for two, maybe three pregnancies total.

Dahlia – 5 days to YA  – going back to boarding school
Elle and Erin – 10 days to YA..going with Dahlia
Frost, Fritz, Freya – 3 days to teen.  Coming home for prom then heading back to school.
Victor and Jade – 13 days to elder…Yes, I know.  Alfie’s wife is older than his parents.

I’m hoping to pick up FF XIII 2 this weekend.  That should slow the updates down for quite awhile.  I put over 170 hours into FF XIII.  lol


  1. Christie

    Just finished reading all 3 chapters and I love it! Honest to God how did you survive with all those kids? I would have been on the verge of suicide lol. Can’t wait to see the next generation’s kids!

    • oxjennxo

      It got bad before I thought of two little words. Boarding School. Also, before trying these challenges, I either played with no aging or at epic. It was not unheard of to have a total of 50 kids in the family…lol

      I can pretty much guarantee that no one else in this challenge will get the fertility treatment. It did get unreal with all the kids and the dogs.

  2. StyxLady

    Wow, poor Alfie! He’s not bad looking, but with sims, personality really DOES matter more! lol. I can’t wait to see how long it takes him to get a baby with the right genetics!

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