Category: Chapter 005

Chapter 5

Last time, the A (Amethyst and Apricot) kids went to boarding school, Cola-Fizz “adopted” Alex the cat, Cinnabar Melt was born and Bavarian Cream aged up and went to boarding school with his older sisters.  Cinnabar then aged up and Dandelion Dew was born.



We open up to an adorable Dandelion Dew learning skills.


Cinnabar wastes away playing in the mirror.  She has given the family three Social worker warnings for starvation because she never leaves this spot.


Cinnabar: “Feed me!”
Since there is plenty of food in this house, go feed yourself.


I finally gave Candlelight a new everyday outfit.  This is also just seconds after the newest chimes were heard.


Dandelion Dew aged up a little while later.  Cola-Fizz still has not wished for boarding school for them.  It is the weekend, so I scheduled them and they will leave Monday morning anyway.


I have absolutely no need for this photo, but I liked it.


The girls are the first to ride the carousel that I wasted a tad too much money on.


I am really tired of the fairy tricks these two play.  They are about to not be best friends anymore.


Candlelight explains where babies come from and the fact that they are getting a new brother or sister.


Cola-Fizz: “I would much rather watch the fishing channel, if you don’t mind.”
Candlelight: “Too bad.”


Amethyst and Apricot returned home teens.  It’s a full moon, which sucks on lighting, so no more pics of them.


There we go.  Here is Apricot.


And Amethyst.


The girls never got an official makeover, but off they go to boarding school…finally.


Candlelight went into labor and headed off to the hospital.  She came out with a basket of babies.


Fertility treatment + kidz tv + kidz music = Quads even though my quad chances are set at 0 in woohooer.  Dammit.  I always forget that it happens until happens.

I cannot handle anymore.  As of now, when babies age up to toddlers, then children will age up to teen…unless they are at boarding school.

Amethyst and Apricot are on the honor roll.


I just noticed this, so I am aging them up and moving them out.  They will be up for download on their pages as teens.